Max-Power Thrust it to the max

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Todos los precios en euros

Codigo Producto Cant Precio
Precio libre de impuestos Peso  
35027/18 FUSE 250A T1 AND HOLDER 71.79 59.33 0.42Kg
315321 COMPOSITE LEG Ø250 DUO CT165/225 1,020.83 843.66 2.33Kg
35042 MAX POWER Propeller Ø250 127.93 105.73 0.89Kg
635194 HYDRAULIC MOTOR M2 34CC PAINTED 5,119.95 4,231.36 13.76Kg
310252 GASKET LEG/TUNNEL D250 2.76 2.28 0.01Kg
310368 MOTOR SUPPORT ALU MP11 WITHOUT LUB+4 SCRE 564.54 466.56 2.43Kg
316515 LIFT PUMP 4,806.00 3,971.90 8.00Kg
Precio total de la UE: 11.713.80 €
Precio Total de exportación: 9.680.82 €
Peso total: 27.84 Kg
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